Ephoran - Multi-Imaging Solutions

EPHORAN is a Multi-Imaging Service Company focused on preclinical research and development. The mission of the Company is to study, develop and pursue the application of imaging technologies in preclinical drug research and development. EPHORAN will foster the development of diagnostic tools, reagents and methodologies for experimental imaging.

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Magnetic Resonance Imaging Facility

The expertise of our experimental imaging teams and the availability of Magnetic Resonance equipments covering a wide spectrum of magnetic fields provides for a complete range of platform applications.
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Nuclear Medicine and X-ray Facility

Human injectable solutions of Gluscan® (FluoroDeoxyGlucose or FDG), research PET tracers, and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals labeled with Y-90 and Lu-177 are provided through the internal expertise and facility.
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Ultrasound Imaging Facility

The Ultrasound Imaging Laboratory is equipped with an High resolution micro-ultrasound system operating with a spatial resolution of < 30 ìm for mouse and rat imaging.

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Optical Imaging Facility

The availability, in this platform, of state-of-the-art optical imaging instruments allows to perform different kinds of experiments.

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